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Old 21-06-06, 22:45
Vets Dottir
Posts: n/a


I just want to say, again, thank you to all of you who helped with ideas on how to deal with some of my "problems"

Finally started physio twice a week and its helping some. One works on my neck/shoulders/hands and another will be starting my feet next session. There are no quick fixes, or even fixes at all for some things, by now. Unfortunately 2nd-ary osteoarthritis is widespread now as well, including in the cervical spine, hence the cervical problems (a result of the longstanding rheumatoid arthritis which also happens to be flaring extra now causing more "new" joints to go) Physio tells me my central nervous system is totally whacked/shot (spinal cord impacts) which explains all sorts of weird things that have been happening ... including my thumb going weird. Its still numb and only partial movement. I may recover some movement. May not. It sure gets in the way but thank goodness its my left hand and am right handed : Wrists quite fused from the arthritis, and ankles going the same way. The ankles make for interesting outings ... People look at me weird when they see me walking (gait problems) until they get close enough to me to realize I'm not totally drunk or stoned. Most people are great ... the worst is when crossing a street and an impatient driver gets peed off at me for my "slowness" ... they'll sometimes even rev their motors in angry ways ... sure wish I had some frying pans to toss at them types because I'd get them right in the noggin!!!!!!!!

Oh well, and what the hell, I think the cure can only be to reformat my brain and start a whole new programming ... or just shoot me

Meanwhile ... isn't today the first day of SUMMER???

Oh, I wasn't able to get out into the community to search for any D-Day anniversary events as that was the day I started physio sessions and I couldn't handle another outing after that.

Unhappy Yappy
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