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Old 06-06-06, 20:31
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Dave Demorrow
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: texas USA
Posts: 1,133

good question dave

as someone who has had many friends who were modarate muslem and had many long talks with them in iraq let me clue you in on a little secret.

you dont have to do anything to be declaired a enemy of the muslem world. you are not muslem, you dont have shariea lay, you have music, your women have rights, and you dont bow down to allah. you are a enemy that MUST be distroyed. it is the duty of every extreamast muslem to distroy the infidal. that way he will get to go to paradise. there is no nutral nation in this fight, you are either christian / jewish, moderate muslem, extreamast (crazy ) muslem, or a target. some people (France, Germany) have not figured this out yet.
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and the list keeps growing, and growing.... i need help LOL
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