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Old 18-12-05, 00:57
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Hanno Spoelstra Hanno Spoelstra is offline
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Originally posted by Hanno Spoelstra
a fierce fight was fought at 't Woold during which several dozens of German and English soldiers died.
Found some more info (source):
On 30 March 1945 the Allies approached 't Woold. German soldiers, armed with machine-guns and Panzerfausts, hid in the fields and in farms. When it became clear the British were much closer than expected, the Germans retreated. The German tanks crossed the border behind Rosenhoeve between border markers 762 and 763. Shots were fired across, a number of tanks being put out of action. Dozens of Biritsh and German soldiers died. After the Battle at ´t Woold the fallen soldiers were buried temporarily in the verge of the road.
And (source):
On 30th March a troop of 'B' Squadron of 3rd/4th CLY in support of 6th Royal Welsh Fusiliers cleared the area to the north of river at Bocholt, by first light. At 04:30, 'C' Squadron had joined 10th HLI and moved off at first light with 53rd Recce Regt in the lead. Undefended minefields were encountered as they advance, but machine gunfire from a Customs House caused the Squadron to deploy and shoot up enemy in houses at both sides of the road. One tank was brewed by anti-tank fire when an attempt was made to outflank to the left. Elsewhere, 'A' Squadron had moved through Bocholt to Winterswijk, but some German self-propelled anti-tank guns were encountered on the way which shot up seven Kangaroos and one 3rd/4th CLY RHQ recce Stuart tank. On 31st March 1945, 3rd/4th CLY had 'B' Squadron in support of 4th Royal Welsh Fusiliers, of 71st Brigade, and took anti-tank positions at as they advanced. 'B' Squadron the passed through Winterswijk and continued advance with 10th HLI to Vreden, reaching it against light opposition. They then pushed on to Alsatte, where strong opposition was encountered at and one tank was lost to 88mm fire. Two 88mm guns were destroyed by 'B' Squadron which then helped the infantry to consolidate. By 15;00 'A' Squadron had moved behind 1st Ox & Bucks through Winterswijk to area ½ mile East of Vreden and leaguered there for the night. The Brigade now had orders to concentrate the brigade clear of Oding, which they did, while 3rd/4th CLY stayed with 71st Brigade beyond Vreden.
Also (source):
1100 - A Sqn moved through BOCHOLT to WINTERSWIJK 3375. Some SPs were encountered which shot up 7 Kangaroos and 1 Regtl recce Stuart tank.
Claims:- 40 POWs
Casualties:- nil
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