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Old 11-12-05, 13:17
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Tony Smith Tony Smith is offline
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Default Re: What's next?

Originally posted by Brian Gough
It's amazing the number of times today I heard comments like: "Why would anyone want one of those?" or "Nobody should be allowed to have that many in this country".
Those are my thoughts exactly in relation to Jack Russell Terriers!

In discussions on gun laws with work collegues, I pointed the ridiculousness of spending millions of tax dollars on the gun buyback, when thousands were dying in car accidents, hospital errors, and drug and alcohol abuse, yet still criminals will continue to have access to and use firearms.

I pointed out to one co-worker that she shouldn't be allowed to own 3 Jack Russell Terriers.
Her: My God! Why not?
Me: Because they're designed to kill.
Her: My pretty dogs?
Me: Put them in a hutch full of Rabbit Kittens and tell me how cute they are then.
Her: But I would never put my dogs in a hutch of rabbits, or let them run free outdoors, or go hunting with it. That would be irresponsible!
Me: EXACTLY! So why do you assume that I will hand over my firearms to the first deranged lunatic on his way to the mall/school canteen/post-separation interview with his ex-boss?

In the free democracy we live in, we ought to be free to do what we choose within the law, unless we have individually shown that we do not deserve that freedom. I respect and support her right to own, breed and hug as many Jack Russell Terriers she likes, as long as they don't interfere with my freedoms. She should also respect my rights to my own property and to follow my interests, as long as I don't interfere with her freedoms.

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