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Old 10-12-05, 19:40
Snowtractor Snowtractor is offline
In Vino Veritas
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Northern ALberta
Posts: 981
Default Hand gun bull shite

Once again a damn politician is trying to get easy votes. Instead of saving the 100000 people killed/injured on highways or the 300000k that have smoking deaths or illnesses they pick on an easy target to try to save 50 people in Toronto killed by invisible guns. Now there is leadership and trying to protection of the people. More people get killed on bicycles and in construction then with guns. They quoted the Quebec biker war , but did not most of the deaths result from bombings beatings and knifings.
That said Canada already has soe of the hardest and in many cases the hardest laws in the world for using a handgun or any gun in the comission of a crime. Twice the lenght of most countries. However, you have to get a judge to impose the laws and that has nothing to do with elections because they are removed from public reaction by being appointed not elected. Now lets go one further on that and let a "LIBERAL" gov appoint
"LIBERAL" judges and do you think a liberal personality judge is going to lock away a 19 year old for the max? good luck. Look how many young guns are street racing and killing innocent bystanders and they are getting little or no jail time, just a fine for taking a life.
Now , think how nice it is going to be when criminals KNOW there are no guns in a house . Why even pause to make sure no one is home , we have guns or crowbars and I am sure we 3 or 4 thugs can thrash anyone in the house if they have no guns..
Apply that to the police , why negotiate with anyone anymore and actually try to resolve an issue instead of enforce political will on an individual ( laws come from politicians ). Lets face it in a city setting cops are busy they really don't have time to negotiate with anyone so lets kick the door in beat the guy silly ( after all we know no one has guns anymore ) and get on with our day. Though we may have made the situation worse and made people ralley around the criminals position , so next time there are 2 disgruntled individuals , then 4 etc etc. When only one side has any might/strenght/force why waste a perfectly nice day talking to whiners.
Now reality is handguns are restricted to killing people or target shooting in Canada because we can not hunt with them. I like them but they are a rather useless tool. That said they give the powers that be and the criminals pause and that is there good quality. When mankind passifies and there are bonfires of guns in Pakistan,Iran,Africa,Bosnia,Bolivia,Argentina,Chec hnia, etc etc etc I will be first...well maybe second in line.
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