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Old 09-12-05, 03:31
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Derek Heuring
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Corinth, Texas
Posts: 2,018
Default Re: Fiberals to ban Handguns

Originally posted by Brian Gough

It shouldn't be hard to get the legitimate guns in now. The government knows where to go for them.

How many times did those slime suckin' bastards in Ottawa tell us that registration wouldn't lead to confiscation!!!!!!!! I remember hearing time and time again that the Liberal Party aka U.S.S.R (Union of Stupid Socialist Retards) just want to register firearms to make it easier for the police to solve crimes and to return firearms if stolen. Well Mr. Gough, you may not like all that the NRA stands for but there sure are a heck of a lot of us that do! The thin edge of the wedge has gotten so thick that its about to choke the few true freedom loving Canadians that are left! There is a very good reason why we can't give the anti-gunners one inch, not one tiny concession because once lost our rights will never be returned!
Thank God for the 2nd Amendment!!!!!Thank God for the NRA!!!!!

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