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Old 02-12-05, 03:45
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP)'s Avatar
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) is offline
former OC MLU, AKA 'Jif' - sadly no longer with us
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 5,400

Tsk-tsk, Chris. Let me make several points here, if you would.

First-off is that our young men find themselves in Harm's Way because of the politicans, but NONE I've known have said that their experience was anything but worthwhile. Horrid, yes.

Simply speaking, the mainstream media (heretoforafter known as the MSM) have ignored the MEN and concentrated on the POLITICS.

I say screw the politics and focus on the MEN.

Second, yes, the world is f*cked, and yes, most of those assholes can go to hell in a handcart for all I care. They spent most of their energy killing each other then, do so now, and will continue to do so in future. There's really damn-all we can do to change this, but... you know, I know, and our mil pers over there know, that we're the thin red line between Good and Evil. Can there be a greater calling? We have defineable values which HAVE been appreciated. The MSM won't ack that, but they can go to hell too.

THIRD. What's about bloody time is what's being discussed in our Elections thread. To be blunt, we're expending time, money and blood in these shitholes, but extending their refugees more rights and privileges than WE have. It's time to re-evaluate our priorities. Call a spade a spade. We owe the third world NOTHING... but our young men keep paying for that nothing. I don't think more than a handful of our fighting men would contest the contribution we're making over there, but it's high-time we extended the same considerations to our own citizens. We owe that to every man who's worn the khaki before.

If you can argue with any of this, we have some serious beer-drinking to do (we probably do anyway).

Originally posted by chris vickery
Peter, I too feel the same way re Canadian lives.
Just like a lot of other things, I think it is about time that we as Canadians throw out the PC bullshit and the helping hands that are seemingly endless and let these people duke it out for themselves.
I say let them kill each other, same as in Iraq, Somalia, Sudan, Leabanon, Israel etc etc etc. Enough is enough of spending billions of dolars in taxpayers money and putting lives on the line for some ingrates who don't give a rats ass for nothing only to take these same people as "immigrants" who totally disrespect our culture and heritage and impinge on OUR beliefs, morals and freedoms.
Leave them to the own demise and let them blast one another all to hell.
:remember :support
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