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Old 28-08-05, 01:54
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Jon Skagfeld Jon Skagfeld is offline
M38A1 CDN3
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Owen Sound ON
Posts: 2,190

I should think that Canadians hate (and dread) mosquitoes which are now the No 1 source of West Nile virus. It's now dangerous to run around naked in the woods. Wonder how the nudists cope? Black flies, deer flies and midges are also a pestilence.

Next in line, for contemptible regard, I would suggest raccoons, groundhogs, squirrels and skunks. I readily and regularly shoot these creatures on an almost daily basis.

Next I offer crows and blue jays for extermination. What?...the colourful blue jay...well a jay is simply a gaily tinted crow, and as such are carriers of the West Nile virus, upon which the Culex variety of mossie feeds and passes on to humans.

(A recent study claims that the common robin carries up to 15% more potential for carrying the West Nile virus than the crow family).

Whilst driving, especially at night, deer, moose and elk are a particular road hazard. Contact with one of these pretty well assures your vehicle's write-off.

Most drivers around here, and further north, have deer horns attached to the front of their vehicles. These devices emit a supersonic signal which either chases subject critters away, or makes them pause before crossing a road.

Even though this way off topic for the purposes of this Forum, let's hear of some other countries feared denizens (other than what we see on History or Bravo channel).
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