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Old 05-06-05, 18:13
Vets Dottir
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by DaveCox
We call them the TA (Territorial Army) over here BTW.
Hi Dave ...

Then I shall have to TRY and remember that ... "Territorial Army"

On Guard For Thee - even I can recognise the words from 'Oh Canada' - I've sung it often enough at Dieppe Day services when I was a cadet instructor, at Wisborough Green near the original HQ for the Canadian forces.....and stood at the salute when the standards dipped for the last post. No more though as most of the veterans are too old to make the journey now.
Yes, that song brings back lots of memories for many military people and their loved ones, I can only imagine.

Flashback to grade school, wearing tunic and white blouse, white socks, morning routine was the class reciting the Lords Prayer, and singing Oh Canada (English and French versions) and "God Save Our Queen" at the end of the day.

Yep Yappy, still hanging around, just don't post too often due to time etc as the kids have homework to do on the computer.....I manage to keep a watchful eye on you ex-colonials just to make sure you're not getting up to too much mischeif!

As for being old and forgetful --------------------------- I've forgotten wwhat I was going to say next------senior moments happen every day

What? Were you away?

It's always great to read your posts Dave ... hello to Chrissie please

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