Thread: John Forsey RIP
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Old 11-03-24, 18:30
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Hanno Spoelstra Hanno Spoelstra is offline
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Default John Forsey's Schwimmwagen?

Who knows where John Forsey's Schwimmwagen ended up?

If you can help Gail, please contact her via email directly.

My name is Gail Ramsey, my husband Winston Ramsey and I produced and published the After the Battle books and magazines for many years before retiring and selling to Pen & Sword. (So I am a real person not a scammer &#128522
I am contacting you as I can see that the late John Forsey was an active member of your Mapleleafup forum for many years. I wonder if anyone on your forum has any idea where the Schwimmwagen John Forsey sold around late 2006 early 2007 on Milweb has ended up?
John Forsey originally purchased this vehicle from our good friend Andrew Mollo - the well known Military uniform expert - who is trying to trace who has it now.
I understand that in this day and age of privacy laws you will be prevented form passing on individual’s information so please feel free to pass on my email address to the relevant person if you do find them and I will be happy to hear from them.
Thank you for your time today and for the wonderful work your group does to keep like minded people connected.

Kind regards
Gail Ramsey
Battle of Britain International Limited
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