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Old 02-05-22, 01:48
Chris Suslowicz Chris Suslowicz is offline
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Originally Posted by r.morrison View Post
Well .....after reading Professor Chris's description of what I have here, maybe I should just put it at the side of the road and phone the fire department and tell them I found a toxic bomb from WW11! You guys are giving me the heebie jeebies! With the exception of the removal of "french fry grease" or possibly "poutine" stains Bob!!
Heh. I did 'A' level Chemistry about half a century ago and a lot of it stuck.

It's safe enough as long as it doesn't leak and you inhale the fumes or get it on your skin. (The real no-no was smoking while using it to clean stuff: that really could give you a dose of phosgene poisoning.)

Modern school teaching of Chemistry is nowhere near as exciting as it used to be, but probably a lot safer for all concerned. My main annoyance is that I can't buy things that used to be available 'over the counter' without a background check and a licence that cost as much as a Firearm Certificate - so I can't get Sulphuric Acid to fill the (dry-charged) Signals batteries I have!

(Not that I actually want to - they only last about 2 years in use, so I just use modern equivalents instead and keep the originals for the collection.)

(Sigh!) "Even the nostalgia isn't as good as it used to be. - Sir Terry Pratchett"

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