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Old 15-04-22, 22:40
rob love rob love is offline
carrier mech
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Shilo MB, the armpit of Canada
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Originally Posted by Lynn Eades View Post
Rob, I assume then, that your not in the middle of a real estate boom?
Btw, as mosquitos kill more people than anything else, you live in a safe place????
When I bought this place, there was just one house and one shed. Now there is one house and 10 sheds, with an 11th yet to be assembled. That is kind of a boom.

There is some west nile in the mosquitos in Manitoba, so some deaths and sickness that goes along with it. But in this area, there are no poisonous snakes, spiders, or dangerous animals. We do see the occasional bear maybe once every 5 years, but they are always in a hurry to be somewhere else. Wolves and coyotes are generally afraid of human activity. But the one thing that will get you, if you let it, is the cold. It is merciless, and can kill you in about half an hour if you are unprepared or do something stupid.
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