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Old 15-04-22, 04:20
rob love rob love is offline
carrier mech
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Shilo MB, the armpit of Canada
Posts: 7,548

Well I guess that is the bright side of all this....I won't need to cut any grass for a while yet.

The blizzard is over, but we do have several days of regular snow this week with minor accumulations. As I look out in my all-white yard, it is easy to forget that just 3 days ago there was almost no snow left.

Wife put seeds out for the regular birds, and cut up some grapes and apples for the robins. We had dozens on dozens of both on the deck, much to the delight of both the wife and the cat. The cat did not move from the patio door all day.

So we survived another one, although in the end it was not nearly the mega-blizzard they said it was going to be. Tomorrow they will reopen the highways after plowing and sanding, and life will return to normal. And in a week or two, with any luck, the snow will be gone again.

Last edited by rob love; 15-04-22 at 06:22.
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