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Old 11-01-22, 13:09
Chris Suslowicz Chris Suslowicz is offline
Junior Password Gnome
Join Date: May 2007
Location: England
Posts: 817

Hi James,

These were used during WW2 (and later) for centralised battery charging, using the 1260 Watt charging set (made by several companies - I think there were about 9 manufacturers, BSA, Villiers, Douglas, Lister, JAP, etc.).

Basically they used to collect discharged batteries from frontline units and deliver charged ones (along with ammunition, rations, mail, etc.), the batteries would be inspected, recharged, tested and sent back out, which removed the need for generators near the enemy that would have given positions away.

The post-WW2 changes (increase in the number of wireless sets and permanent fitting in vehicles) reduced the need for these, and they were replaced by dedicated charging vehicles (3-ton lorry with a permanently installed AC charger and generator trailer that could operate on the move if required, and didn't require unloading and setting everything up).

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