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Old 28-03-05, 01:43
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Jon Skagfeld Jon Skagfeld is offline
M38A1 CDN3
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Owen Sound ON
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Originally posted by Mark W. Tonner
Signals and Time, now thats a contradiction in terms, : will take forever for PRONTO to figure out whether to turn the hands clockwise or counter-clockwise when adjusting the coming time change...... poor old bugger.......
Settle down you knuckle draggin', black cadillac wearin', 031 poor excuse for something lower than pond scum.

If it wasn't for Signals and their time checks, you clowns wouldn't know when to hit the FUP, much less cross the Start Line.

And, having fought through the objective, and doin' your suck back and reload, if you didn't have Signals, you wouldn't know when to carry on with the advance to contact.

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