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Old 18-07-21, 18:22
Michael R. Michael R. is offline
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Originally Posted by Bruce Parker View Post
$70,000 to move and $250,000 to sandblast and paint?? And that's with volunteer help???? ?? Maybe I'm missing something but for that kind of money you could probably give Holly Roller a full restoration and maybe even get it running. I'm a little put off it's going back outside on its concrete pad, but that's just me.
Bruce: if we accept your interpretation of cost estimates presented in the video:
CAD $70,000.00 to move it... is that one way to the shop?
CAD $250,000.00 for refurbishment by volunteer staff and students at Fanshawe College. . .

the video may have done more fund raiser damage than good.

How alarming it is to see the disparity of commercial interests between different countries. I wager in a country that was liberated during WWII, an opportunity to participate in such an event may not be financially motivated.

Perhaps someone at the project could explain the cost estimates in terms such as time and materials? Perry? Gordon?

If the current information is accurate, I am less motivated to financially support such disbursements.

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