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Old 02-11-20, 20:01
Ed Storey Ed Storey is offline
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Default CFR Lists

Originally Posted by Alex Sandor Csank View Post
Thanks! Looking at the end of the data, it appears that the six you have listed may all have been 'Mk2B' models. That in itself is interesting! Wishing there was more information about our Canadian TRWs available.

Rev high!
While the DND vehicle lists are helpful in determining how many vehicles of a particular type were in use and their CFR range; I have encountered some errors with respect to the recorded vehicle type. Cross checking with the documents in my collection; I came up with a 1959 dated Data Summary which records the vehicle as a TRW, a 1956 Ordnance Parts Identification List for a TRW Mk2B and a 1955 User Handbook for a TRW. All three documents are Canadian although the User Handbook is a British publication. I think the answer might lie within the 1960 Ordnance Catalogue for Vehicles and Tracked Equipment which records the Canadian Army at the time using the Triumph Model TRW - 1950, Triumph Model TR5 - 1953 and the Triumph TRW Mk2B - 1956-1957. All of these Motorcycles were classed part of the Standard Commercial Pattern.
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