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Old 02-11-20, 18:21
David Dunlop David Dunlop is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Winnipeg, MB
Posts: 3,404

I found myself at a bit of a wall this passed weekend with the 52-Set Project. I would very much like to get on with the reassembly of the Sender and was very keen to add more bits back onto the front panel.

One of these was the large, conical, Bakelite SOCKETS, Antenna in the upper right corner. This is the main connection point of the set to the Coils, Aerial Tuning and beyond.

The problem was, I am missing two 6-32 external tooth lock washers from the mounting hardware: the two screws that are the most difficult to access when the set is in its normal upright position. And secondly, when I looked inside the Bakelite cone at the front. The brass sockets assembly way inside is a filthy mess and needs to come out for a full clean up. I eventually pulled myself back from the idea of reinstallation at the moment and will take the time to clean and source the proper missing hardware.

Won that round so far!

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