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Old 03-10-20, 19:58
Jakko Westerbeke Jakko Westerbeke is offline
Join Date: Apr 2020
Location: Netherlands
Posts: 308

Originally Posted by Hanno Spoelstra View Post
That is typical for these kind of projects. I am sure the museum, municipality and local sponsors can work something out.
Well, yes. I just mentioned it because it’s not like the whole restoration is already sorted.

Originally Posted by Hanno Spoelstra View Post
The museum has been given two Sherman tanks (and possibly other artifacts).
You mean the two HVSS Shermans that stand in the museum grounds?

Originally Posted by MicS View Post
This is the opportunity to restore the original markings of the tank, instead of the variety of fanciful markings it has endured ever since it became a memorial.
In the phonecall I mentioned, I was also told that the fellow in charge of the restoration asked the Polderhuis museum (very close to the tank, for those who might not know) for help regarding those markings. Apparently, they told him they knew someone to help with that (that is, yours truly) and I affirmed that if he has any questions, he can contact me.

TBH, I had been thinking about this before already, and it’s actually not that straightforward because all the Crab gear has been removed. I think putting the AoS and 79AD markings on the upper corners of the glacis plate would be the best choice, given that other 1 Lothians Crabs had them there as well, even if this particular one did not.

Originally Posted by MicS View Post
Accurate information about its commander as well as period photos could also be added to the memorial.
Good you mention that: who was the commander? Sgt. Stead?
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