Thread: vegimite
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Old 06-03-05, 23:26
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Derek Heuring
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Corinth, Texas
Posts: 2,018
Default Yum Vegemite!

Hey Norm, vegemite is nothing more than spent yeast from beer brewing! I've only had the opportunity to try it once in....of all places....the Middle East. While on leave from peace keeping duties I travelled to Petra in the south of Jordan and happened to bump into a couple from Aus. During our chat I mentioned that I had never tried vegemite and lo and behold, she had brought a jar with her. (Never leave home without it!) Anyway, I tried some and actually quite liked it! They use it like a spread on crackers or bread. I've been looking for a supplier here in Tx. but no luck so far. Just as an aside, I've got a couple of haggis's?....haggi?....what is the plural for haggis anyway? in my freezer from my last trip to Canada. Now theres a treat! But thats a topic for another thread. Any other haggis lovers out there?

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