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Old 13-09-20, 02:00
David Dunlop David Dunlop is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Winnipeg, MB
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Hi Alex.

I am having a little trouble sorting out these photos of Avalon. Can you help?

The blurry black and white from the rear and the one with the two children on the front of the tank look like they were taken at the same location. AVALON has lost the right track and seems rather dug into the sandy ground on that side. The large tree behind her seems to also be in the photo with the children. There is no sign of COOKIE anywhere. Are these photos taken where AVALON was actually knocked out and abandoned? The colour photo looks like it might be the same spot.

COOKIE then shows up in the background in another black and white shot. AVALON looks like it is still in its original resting place. The surroundings seem to be a field in a wooded area.

Suddenly, we then have a series of Black and White photos of AVALON and COOKIE in approximately the same positions to each other as in the field photo, but they are both sitting on a prepared road way. In the photo with the men standing on AVALON, COOKIE has a sign leaning against the front of it. In one photo, the road between the two tanks is littered with debris, like an attempt at an outdoor diorama, the next photo the road is clear, AVALON seems to be sitting very level and the surrounding area does not look at all like the earlier photos of the blurry rear view and the ‘open’ field.

My thought is there are two photos of AVALON where she was put out of action. Possibly that field. Cookie was recovered from another location and parked near AVALON in that field. Then both vehicles were moved to museum property??? And placed on a prepared roadway in approximately the same positions as they had been in the field?

Not being at all familiar with the natural landscapes of Holland, I wonder if the two possible locations for AVALON to have been knocked out are very similar, or are there enough differences to rule one out in favour of another.

Another possibility. If AVALON was moved from where it was knocked out to museum property, who moved it? That is an interesting project at any time. Somebody may have taken photos of that work or might know who, or what organization did it? And where AVALON was recovered from.

If a final resting place for AVALON could be narrowed down to two possible locations, perhaps a metal detector sweep of both locations could turn up pieces unique to a Crab and help confirm what was found.

A very interesting puzzle!

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