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Old 12-09-20, 17:01
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Hanno Spoelstra Hanno Spoelstra is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: The Netherlands
Posts: 14,465

Terry, you’re right. It is hard to comment on someone who is putting his money where his mouth is. I guess the difference for the guy paying for it, is whether you know you’re buying a replica or being led to believe you’re buying a genuine vehicle while in fact you are not.

Then again, the snotty remark towards Jordan is out of line as he clearly has the experience.

Same sort of thing happened in the MLU FB group. Someone started asking questions about the CMP he had just bought. He got constructive comments about the roof hatch being a postwar addition. He then tried pulling rank with some snotty remark about how long he was a vehicle collector and how many prizes he had won. If the guys commenting (including me) could top that. The MLU gang was not impressed and the new guy turned on his heels and moved out.
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