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Old 20-08-20, 16:31
Hanno Spoelstra's Avatar
Hanno Spoelstra Hanno Spoelstra is offline
MLU Administrator
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: The Netherlands
Posts: 14,464
Default Pondering....

Hello Howard,

Good to hear from you. Just ran some statistics:

The last 365 days the User Activity Statistics ranged from 177 (low) to 192 (high) active users per day. Users are not Bots and Crawlers visiting as guests.

If I compare this with the same August to August period for some earlier years, the trend is as follows:
  • 2014-2015: 127 (low) to 210 (high)
  • 2010-2011: 1 (low) to 243 (high)
  • 2005-2006: 1 (low) to 4 (high)
In mid-2011 there was a spike, going from daily users in the 10's to the 100's and it has been pretty stable since. Members come and go, every now and then I clean up the database, e.g. deleting members who have not been active for many years and do not respond to emails asking them to revisit the forum.

Many people's lives have gotten more demanding I think, and their spare time is more and more spread out over the various forums and "social media".

Not sure what the long term future of this Forum is? Will everybody migrate to facebook, instagram, w.h.y.? Being fed with "info" by facebook is of course much easier than going out and find the info you are looking for yourself. I migrated my Sherman Register mailing list to another provider ( at considerable personal expense since users were asking for it, voching they would never surrender to big brother social media. But interaction on there is very, very low....

Anyway, MLU is still my first internet stop of the day.
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