Thread: How To: Ford CMP "Blitz" miscellany
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Old 21-07-20, 16:19
Grant Bowker Grant Bowker is offline
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Speedometer cable at transfer case:
1. I don't know whether Ford and Chevrolet use identical cable tips at the transfer case.
2. If they are the same, Phil Waterman put Chevrolet measurements on his web site at
3. From memory (not to be trusted 100%) I think Clark Brothers Instruments had similar tips but not absolutely identical to Chevrolet. My memory is that the precise cable and sheath weren't obviously available but I may not have looked hard enough....

A couple of days ago I made up a dummy to see whether the sheet metal guide at the transfer case could be replicated on a bead roller. No photos at this time but the summary is "exact to the nth degree" - no, but functional should be possible.
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