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Old 16-07-20, 01:18
Chris Suslowicz Chris Suslowicz is offline
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Originally Posted by David Dunlop View Post
The other tidbit can be found in the MECHANICAL DETAIL Section of the memo. There, it states that a small compartment will be fitted to the top of the Carrier to accommodate the Instruction Manual and Tuning Chart.

This is the first time I have ever heard of the small metal chart being included here. I went and found mine to try it out. Width is perfect, but length if one half inch too long. this one has the 12 holes punched around the perimeter of it for mounting in a location close at hand to the wireless set. If the holes were not punched in it, it appears it could be shortened enough to fit the compartment.

As usual, you find a new bit of information, and more questions pop up. Was there an earlier version of the metal tuning chart with no holes that fit into the compartment with the manual? Did the manual originally not have a foldout tuning chart inside it? Given the set came with a rain cover for the front of the Carrier, there is a certain logic to having a metal chart to avoid getting the manual wet needlessly.Did they switch to a slightly longer metal chart to allow it to be readily mounted? Interesting mystery.

It's quite likely that the original chart was like the metal "Working Instructions" plates or instruction card, the same size as the manual, and would fit the storage compartment (possibly along with the Unit Record Log), but they later decided it would be more useful screwed to the wall (etc.) close to the aerial tuning unit for easy (and hands-free) reference.

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