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Old 01-03-05, 10:41
Stellan Bojerud (RIP)'s Avatar
Stellan Bojerud (RIP) Stellan Bojerud (RIP) is offline
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Default 1914-18 concept?

Was the Polish Defence deployed following the 1914-18 system?

For political reasons Field Marshal Edward Rydz-Smigly decided to take up defence positions near the border and not along the easier defended river Vistula line.

The Polish leadership was centralized and field commanders could not act without permission from the GHQ in Warszaw. This however has nothing to do with 1914-18 but the person of Rydz-Smigly and the rigid command structure and leadership culture within the Polish Armed Forces.

Polish communications were severed by the fact that GHQ left Warszaw and redeployed in a small town in Southern Poland. If I remember right GHQ there had only three telephone lines.

The Germans on the other hands encouraged unit commanders to take own initiatives within the principle of Auftragstaktik (Mission Tactics).

The Germans took an ovbious risk leaving some 80 km front undefended counting that the two Polish Armies in that area should not react in time because they had to wait for orders from Warszaw.

Picture: FM Rydz-Smigly.
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