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Old 03-01-20, 02:48
Ron King Ron King is online now
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Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Nowra NSW Australia
Posts: 83

South Eastern coast of Australia has multiple large areas burning.
many towns cut of from supplies and many more under threat.
So many people have lost homes and sheds.
everyone is being affected in some way.
The other night at home it became hard to breath because of smoke out side and the fire were at least 5 km away.( how asthmatics get on I don't know)
Traffic and people on X mas holiday trying to get home back to the city after highways have been reopened and then closed again makes traveling difficult
These fires have been so extensive and hot the wild life is gone......they had no where to hide.
Burnt bird feathers rain down with the ash and embers of these fires.
Farmers stock in animals and any stored feed.....gone
In Nowra the other day here at 4.00pm in a summers day , it was pitch black , like night time , because of smoke blocking out the sun light.
I have had to keep a ember watch at my workshop at South Nowra for a few nights as live embers were getting in side though the roof vents.
Many houses lost near by.
I had to leave my home once in west Nowra......Ok now.
Tomorrow going to help a friend to defend his place as it will be most likely under threat.
Roads get closed by fallen trees.(40c plus heat doesn't help working out doors clearing trees or fighting fires)
These fires are making their own lightening storms and clouds which drop a light mist of moisture with embers and ash.
The fire storms also create their own air drafts and feed themselves and become unpredictable and on it goes.
I have seen this first hand
After many years in rural Fire service ( I am now not current) I have never seen any thing like this.
Its so dry, fire breaks are not working and aircraft only are able to stop or slow the fires near threatened homes and property.
Some fires are spotting 20kms away
Its not going to stop until we get a good dump of rain and that's not happening soon.

Last edited by Ron King; 03-01-20 at 03:07.
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