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Old 23-12-19, 12:21
Chris Suslowicz Chris Suslowicz is offline
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Originally Posted by Alastair Thomas View Post
In August I purchased a Lynx I MkIII*. This came complete with a 19 set. I have now got the vehicle in a state ready for the road and am looking at the ancillary equipment.
The vehicle has one section of an antenna fitted to the base on the near (left hand) side. With the vehicle came two more sections of an antenna.
I have two questions. Is the complete antenna composed of 3 sections?
How do I separate these two sections? I have attached a picture of the join. There seems to be a rolled thread just below the join. Does the solid top section just unscrew or should it telescope inside the lower section?
Thank you
LynxI MkIII*
Hmmm... that looks like the 'battle aerial' from the WS38 Mk.II (a steel plug and four feet of spring steel wire, copper plated) which was a less breakable version of the top "Aerial Rod 'F'", inserted into a middle section.

It should just pull out, but if it's rusted in place you may have difficulty extracting it without soaking it in oil and possibly applying heat. The to section can be clamped in a vice, but you can't do much about the lower section as it's thin wall steel tube and quite fragile.

(The rolled-in thread was a WW2 Canadian improvement to the British aerial rods which were just a push fit and tended work loose and fall out when bounced around.) The first (bottom) rod has a solid butt end and no threaded portion because it clamps into the aerial base (or adapter) and needs to be un-crushable, the other rods have a threaded portion at the butt end and a rolled-in thread (for retention on the move) at the top. The threaded ones are 49.5 inches long rather than the original 48-inch specification.

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