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Old 12-12-19, 06:30
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Jordan Baker Jordan Baker is offline
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 4,027

Thanks all for the comments. It’s been a whirlwind of activity and a couple long drives to and from Toronto in the past week. But today was by far the best drive home.

Yes Hanno the Dutch have taken great care of it. Looking it over it appears to have had very few post war changes. Namely it had different marker lights added and an extra thingamajig on the dash. There is no post war Dutch open door holding latches. One important point I’ve made note of already. The doors are either fully opened or closed. No in between unless you want a serious clunk. I was lucky as it just missed my head.

From a quick inspection there appears to be two sets of the same WD#. One is stenciled closer to the roof line. The second is is in a lower spot directly below and is solid characters. Wartime pictures show both locations. However this to me suggests at least one wartime repaint.

There is the remains of Dutch markings as well. These include a yellow circle on the top front of the nose and a 5 digit serial number. I’ll see what comes up once I start sanding the paint down.

Lastly with regards to markings. There appears to a red square on both sides of the nose directly below the engine cover line. Hopefully some sanding will better reveal what these are. They seem to be under the Dutch paint.

As for initial paint observations it’s got a few layers. I believe the lowest level is KG#3, then what looks like a darker green, then possibly SCC15 then the Dutch green and then another coat of green. In some places it’s quite thick and peeling revealing the original factory paint.

Lastly there is weld about 3” long that have been cut on both doors and the rear stowage compartment cover. These appear to have been added to keep the doors closed. I’m wondering if this Otter did time as a gate guard in Holland at one point. The welds are painted in the final green that covers the Dutch markings.

I’ll try and take some photos tomorrow to better show what I’m talking about.
Jordan Baker
RHLI Museum,
Otter LRC
C15A-Wire3, 1944
Willys MB, 1942
10cwt Canadian trailer
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