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Old 06-12-19, 18:27
Chris Suslowicz Chris Suslowicz is offline
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Originally Posted by Ed Storey View Post
It is a British G.S. Manpack Carrier that came out at the tail-end of the SWW (after VE-Day) and could be used to carry anything bulky. This Manpack Carriers were quite plentiful and could be found in unissued condition with the little instruction booklet still tied to them and the one in the photograph may be missing some of the straps.
They were also used for radio equipment, and there was a clip-on shelf to support the set plus a 'Leg, Electrical' that fastened to the top rail of the carrier and could be swung out to support the manpack at an angle where it would be stable for use as a ground station. Issued with the Wireless Set No.31, which lacked the protruding carrying attachments of the BC-1000 it was adapted from.

It was also used with the Wireless Set No.62, probably easier to use than the original brace straps and waistbelt or the later straps and back pad arrangement.

There have been recent sightings of some new or refinished versions apparently produced for the Parachute Regiment on the surplus market. These have modern nylon(?) webbing, plastic bungs in the ends of the frame, and a finish that doesn't fall off when you walk past it.
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