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Old 19-08-19, 15:55
David Dunlop David Dunlop is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Winnipeg, MB, Canada
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Hello again, Tony.

Stuart has clarified the autonomous status of the Provincial Control of highways and motor vehicles quite well. I would just add that, for the sake of smooth traffic flow across the nation as a whole, enforcement of local regulations on out of province vehicles is normally very limited.

Just as an example. Currently here in Manitoba, a front licence plate is mandatory on all motor vehicles. Next door in Saskatchewan, a front plate is not required. That non compliance for visitors is ignored in Manitoba. If, however, somebody moves from Saskatchewan to Manitoba, they are allowed a fixed period of time in which they can still operate their vehicle under Saskatchewan registration. After that, they must submit the vehicle to inspection to meet Manitoba standards for registration.

Off the top of my head, I can only think of military half track vehicles that cannot be licensed for the road here in Manitoba (not withstanding heavy armour) by civilians. The legislation governing this is nearly 100 years old and relates specifically to old farm machinery that used to have heavy lugs on steel wheels or tracks that would chew up the early roads. It makes no sense at all being applied to modern, rubber half track tracks, but that is the piece of legislation that is hauled out and waved in your face if you attempt to put a half track on the road today in Manitoba.

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