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Old 10-09-18, 21:52
David Dunlop David Dunlop is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Winnipeg, MB
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Hi Chris. I initially thought a short might have been in one of the AF Amp valves, so pulled them to see what happened. Nothing, so decided to pull all of them with no ultimate change. That had me leaning towards the absence of B+ creating the inactive valves, resulting in the HT electrons with nothing meaningful to do. Thanks for the confirmation I was on the right track.

After you mentioned it, I realized I had checked the 12 V terminal to chassis and got a very high value. My brain must have been in ‘volts mode’ and did not make the connection to the fact that particular test had been resistance related, and what the result actually meant.

I’m hoping that a disassembly of the connector socket will reveal loose hardware bits floating about inside, and solve the problem.

A previous owner of this Remote Receiver had drilled holes in the rear of the case to mount a modern Coax Aerial Socket. Have since discovered this was done with liberal application of cutting oil and with the receiver chassis still in place. The bottom back edge of the case was wet with oil and metal chips stuck in it. Spent a while cleaning it all up and also found the same crude sitting in the bottom lip of the rear chassis. Visually, the lower chassis floor looked OK but when I pulled the V1G and V1H valves, I found a sweat of oil between the sockets and valve bases. More cleaning done there as a result and another reinspection.

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