Thread: Ding Dong
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Old 30-04-03, 04:27
Posts: n/a
Cool Ding Dong

....A V O N C A L L I N G.....

Wanna buy some AVON for your Military wives, girlfriends, and daughters? Place your orders with the Little Yappy Woman who Rocks. She is the route to the deepests depths of gratitude t'wards you for the gift of joyous smells and awsome skin. Make them forget all about how late you were for that date, or dinner, or birthday you forgot all about...your women and girls will be your slaves with the promise of everlasting youth, attractiveness and the scent of heaven in their nostrils!!! Ding Dong...ring my bell , cough up your dollars, and JOY with your important females in your life will be YOURS!!!!!DO IT...just DO IT NOW!!!!

(guess what I just started?
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