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Old 22-01-05, 15:47
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Hanno Spoelstra Hanno Spoelstra is offline
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Default Re: Holland under the Third Reich

Originally posted by Norm Cromie
Hanno: When you deal in numbers like 60 million deaths that WW2 created how can you not believe that we are governed by a demension beyond our comprehension. We are like ants in a fast flowing river of evolution that has no beginning and no end. It is impossible to put a face on good and evil and the reason why. In my humble opinion we as individuals can't and never will be able to control the forces of the universe that dictate the strongest will prevail. This is the destiny that all matter in the Universe must accept.
Norm, you are absolutely right. In trying to comprehend some of this I try to view some aspects from "The Other Side's" viewpoint.

For example, I recently learned that one of the reasons so many Jews being deported from Holland was because the Netherlands had a state-of-the-art population register. This made it relatively easy to track down all Jews. The system was improved with much enthusiasm by the chief state inspector of municipal population registers, J.L. Lentz. He idesigned the standard ID card, again state-of-the-art, which was almost impossible to falsify.
Now, was this man a fanatical Nazi? Apparently not, even before the war he was adamant about introducing an ID card for all inhabitants. It seemed his ideas were adopted by the Germans, enabling them to single out most of the Jews form the rest of the population. Mr. Jentz' dedication to improve his population registration system could have led him to oversee the downside of it.
After WW2, mr. Lentz, who probably was the civil servant of greatest value to the Germans, was convicted to three years enprisonment.

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