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Old 06-08-17, 23:37
rob love rob love is offline
carrier mech
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Shilo MB, the armpit of Canada
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Perhaps it is because the name is somewhat out of context. The full name is "Rifle, short, magazine, Lee Enfield", indicating it is a shorter rifle than normal back in the day, it was magazine fed, and of the Lee Enfield pattern. It won't be because the magazione is short.....magazine fed rifles had become the norm, and a 10 round magazine was pretty much in line with the larger capacity mags of the day. A large magazine was somewhat frowned on as it could lead to wastage amongst the troops. As such a magazine cut-off was fitted. Until the order by the Sr NCO to open the cut-off, all shots were single.

A google of "Short Muzzle Lee Enfield" leads to nothing.
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