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Old 28-03-17, 04:39
David Dunlop David Dunlop is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Winnipeg, MB, Canada
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If memory serves correctly, Bill Gregg did, indeed save three Lynx from somewhere in Europe where about a dozen at the time were destined for the same fate as Peter's. I think they were all ex Greek Army. Bill found three virtually complete, originally equipped vehicles in the bunch, all three of which bore traces or wartime Canadian markings.

The only way to get them to Canada uncut was to get the Canadian Government involved in some way. A deal was worked out that Bill would provide one to the CWM in Ottawa, a second would go to Edmonton and he would keep the third. For this, the CAF provided transport to Canada.

When they arrived, the CWM took possession of theirs, the other two heading to Bill's home in Rockwood. Some time thereafter, the deal for one to go to Edmonton collapsed for some reason. Bill retained the two he had until one went with his collection to Shilo. The third one he kept and was either sold just before he passed away, or possibly sometime thereafter.

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