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Old 08-01-17, 02:24
maple_leaf_eh maple_leaf_eh is offline
Terry Warner
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Shouting at clouds
Posts: 3,090

Originally Posted by RHClarke View Post
... The M37 ran like a dream in the deep snow - unlike driving in sand, I found that increasing the tire pressure (50 pounds) makes running in the snow easier.

The tire pressure trick is one thing I noticed on working half-tons on the Prairies. The smart farmers never put wide all-terrain tires on their farm trucks. One daily chore of every rancher is to count cattle. They choose high ground clearance springs and skinny conventional winter tires to get around the trails and in the pastures. There is less snow to push away, and it packs down firmer.

Edit - one other thing you will always find in a working truck is a centrefire rifle. One old timer I knew said he was checking cattle and suddenly they all crowded around, complaining about something. He stepped out with the rifle and spotted a black bear circling in the forest fringe. The game laws allow landowners (the key difference) to dispatch nuisance animals harassing livestock. I forget if he got off a shot, but he encouraged us to shoot any bears we saw on his pastures.
Terry Warner

- 74-????? M151A2
- 70-08876 M38A1
- 53-71233 M100CDN trailer

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