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Old 22-12-16, 17:14
Bob Carriere Bob Carriere is offline
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Hammond, Ontario
Posts: 5,213
Default Are you saying.....

My unit has been in use for about 10 years with no problem and it's much quieter that(n) using a CPP2 to power the dynamotor. (also much lighter )

....that you have a one of a kind power supply that feeds directly the HT and LT to the rec/transmitter without using the dynamotor???

Cool....... was it homebuilt?


PS..... Duh your email again..... you are using the rectifier #1 which is supplied by your variac...... never actually ever seen one....., I assume, the regular power supply unit fed by the CPP 2 has the same 6x5 (3) tubes and susceptible to also being fried if the tubes go wrong........ will need to test my tubes and spares to make sure they do not have a grid short .......
Bob Carriere....B.T.B
C15a Cab 11
Hammond, Ontario

Last edited by Bob Carriere; 22-12-16 at 17:21.
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