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Old 09-09-16, 13:50
rob love rob love is offline
carrier mech
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Shilo MB, the armpit of Canada
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Originally Posted by Jes Andersen View Post
Great recovery and road trip. Some of us would have paid just to be along for the fun and Hammond Barn stop... House renovations always seem to pop up when there are more interesting things to do, but most of us know which is the more important and where the support for our hobbies comes from Unless you're single, a tolerant partner goes a long way. Mine is pretty good about all of it, but has told my friends that she wants to go first, so she doesn't have to deal with my stuff...
Not sure anyone would want to pay to be on one of these road trips here in Canada. Very long days and I am too cheap to go to a hotel each night. Not so much the money (well that too I guess) but the wasted time in the room and in the morning with breakfast and showering etc. Far easier to sleep in the back seat of the truck, wake up, relieve the bladder, wash the hair if need be using a bottle of water, and get on the way, grabbing some drive-thru breakfast at the next town.

As I would climb into the sleeping bag each night, I would toss the socks out the back window because they stunk so bad. After the day of loading the guns, the running shoes went out the back window as well.

Nothing like a clean fresh pair of socks in the morning to start your day right.

I did have one old timer near Kenogmi tell me about the 15cwt he has stashed away on his farm. He was looking to sell it. It was his dad's, and was in the same family since it was surplussed from the DND. Sounded very complete. I put him on to this site....not sure if he will follow through. At that point I was only interested in getting home, and was not looking to poach a CMP from Northern Ontario.
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