Thread: Smokin'
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Old 14-12-04, 00:48
Richard Notton
Posts: n/a
Default Re: re: Richard

Originally posted by Geoff Winnington-Ball
Tell those buggers to make the rest of that footage available to those of us reprobates who actually give a shit about this stuff!
Now, now; keep your hair on. (What little there is of it, that is.)

I'll ask them what unused material is hanging about still.
"Mr. Ball from Canada" indeed... : even Keefy did better than that, and he's a bloody Colonial as well...
You just be nice to them antipodeans that still have a working Humphrey Pump.

You must have given your name to the presenter/interviewer when lounging against Mr Ballard's DTB F15, nothing to do with me, I was too busy hooning around on my hired-in quad bike trying to make people feel like it was Beltring; and before you start I know full well I need to be 50yrs younger to have the Beltring quad bike re-enactment absolutely accurate.

So there.

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