Thread: Ontario Auction
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Old 14-06-16, 01:36
rob love rob love is offline
carrier mech
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Shilo MB, the armpit of Canada
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Originally Posted by Jim White View Post
What is the price range of a running, driving carrier, mostly complete and not a 100 point restoration? I'm in Ontario and interested, but completely ingnorant to value.
Photos are not that good for the auction, and no photos of the inside so it's hard to say how complete it might be. I have seen modified garbage go for $7K+ here on the prairies, so I would suggest that if it could be had at that price and up to 14K, you would be doing OK.

Some things to consider of course are running/non-running, original engine/different engine, track condition (count the links: 168 = new, 10 less = bottom standard for military use....technically worn out), and a host of other questions. You will have to consider if your budget, time and expertise will have you replacing whatever mechanical is necessary, and then the hunt begins for parts like firing rests, smoke discharger bracket, seats, gauges, internal stowage bins etc. What is your end use? Fully restored or (heaven forbid) hunting buggy?

I wish I was closer to that auction so I could make some of those decisions myself. Alas, I have to work on Canada day, and expect it to be a 13 hour day or longer.

Last edited by rob love; 14-06-16 at 03:20.
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