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Old 30-05-16, 04:24
David Dunlop David Dunlop is offline
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Location: Winnipeg, MB
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Default Changes to eBay???

One of the things I check from time to time on eBay is Military Pocket Watches. I do not generally check it often because the number of items posted from the UK are very large and it takes time to scan through them all.

Just went in this evening and the eBay system popped up with only 43 items. One from the UK, one from the USA and the rest from really bizarre European and Asian countries. I was logged into eBay Canada. Went to the eBay USA site and the same thing happened.

I then went to the eBay UK site and got over seven pages of items with 60 items per page. Tried logging into the UK site, which I have done many times before and the system would not let me. Went back to the Canadian site to check location choice. It was set for "Worldwide", but clearly it is not providing full coverage anymore. That really sucks!

Anyone else noticed this recently?

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