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Old 29-04-16, 23:36
David Dunlop David Dunlop is offline
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Location: Winnipeg, MB
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Funny how bits and pieces come together to make sense eventually, Bruce.

I will be sure NOT to mention Item 1 to my wife. Guess it was to keep the blower dust free in the back of the transmitter.

I was trying to figure out why this set stuck in my mind from Westbourne so many years ago. While thinking about it I poked a bit on the web for info on the Reception Set Canadian VRL and found an interesting photo of one. It has a very odd green front panel and I think the transmitter must share that point. I could not describe it years ago, but it stuck out like a sore thumb among all the grey colour radar equipment with it's amber CRT's and black hoods. Today I would say it was the colour of a bowl of bad guacamole.

The other interesting bit that surfaced was a 2001 post from the Eddystone Users Group in England where a member had a Reception Set Canadian VRL for sale for 100 Pounds Sterling ONO, complete with it's Converter. That set was apparently dated from 1945. That is probably due to these receivers having a significant life of their own. Bruce M's documents would indicate the full Wireless Set 43 was not long for the world in late 1944, unless things changed rapidly for some reason.

Nice to see a Cab 12 Wireless Truck, or Lorry I guess. They seem to get neglected.

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