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Old 07-09-15, 17:51
Harry Moon Harry Moon is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Burnaby B.C. Canada
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Default Canadian Military Education Center in Chilliwack Forced to close!

Well folks, it's a real bad news day!
We have had over seven and a half years use of the old Quartermaster stores building at CFB Chilliwack. A significant historical Building in it's own right but it is coming to an end. Quite suddenly and very quickly!
We were given notice this week that the City is leasing out the rest of the building to the Canadian border services to expand there training facility.
Our last day of operation will be next Sunday September 13th, with the building being vacated by the end of September (possibly later) and the outside by the end of October.
It was a somber and well attended meeting of over 50 members and volunteers in attendance this morning to hear the news.
A press release will go out later to advise the general public.
At the meeting future plans were discussed and issues related to the storage and or relocation of assets were discussed.
The use of the building was just a location to anchor what was and is an organization of like minded people pursuing with a passion Canadian Military History, we will still exist, still gather and still preserve and promote Canada's great military Heritage.
I encourage one and all to come out and visit our current facility this coming weekend and pitch in over the nest critical weeks to pack and prepare to "Bug Out"
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