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Old 09-12-14, 20:52
Chris Suslowicz Chris Suslowicz is offline
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Originally Posted by cletrac View Post
Chris, in that closeup it's definitely soldered together and by someone who wasn't very good at it. You wouldn't even try to use solder with steel pipes. And where would you get those fittings in steel?
I blew up another of those pics and that plug for the microphone has a 1" diameter end. It's the same size as the outside of the fittings and 3/4" copper fittings are 1" outside diameter.
Unless it's a prototype I cannot imagine them using copper tube. It would be too soft and also copper was in short supply.

My guess is that it's 3/4" or 1" steel conduit, which has fittings that look very much like the ones pictured, and they may have soldered the joints later to prevent things working loose.

It could also be brazed or even gas welded.

We need to find an original and test it with a magnet. :-)>

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