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Old 16-10-14, 03:02
Bob Carriere Bob Carriere is offline
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Hammond, Ontario
Posts: 5,213
Default Special status....

It may not have active military history but they were unique prototype made for our Canadian DND.

Parts for the power train and other mehcanical aspect are all early 70 over the counter stuff.

There is no frame to that vehicle.... the rectangular aluminum bilge housing the power train IS the frame.......more of a unitized construction... heavy guage aluminum welded together as a stiff box.

A frame suspension arms(steel) are bolted to the rigid box. The short axle goes through the hull by means of rubber seals.... on the outside of the hull is the U joint, short shaft then the wheel U joint through to the backing plate.

The only requirement is that the owner knows how to work on, repair or fabricate parts out of aluminum. Which explains why the damaged locker was never properly fixed.

Having recent experience as a contortionist with the Cirque du Soleil would be a great plus if you have to do maintenance on the engine....ei change a water pump!!!!

Doubt that much literature would exists on these trucks except for the manual the current owner is including.... which he obtained years after he got the truck.

So who is going to adopt this "special" orphan.......

Bob Carriere....B.T.B
C15a Cab 11
Hammond, Ontario
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