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Old 03-10-14, 04:06
maple_leaf_eh maple_leaf_eh is online now
Terry Warner
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Shouting at clouds
Posts: 3,087

Originally Posted by Scott Bentley View Post
CFR Information
CFR No 07737
CFR Year 1967
Serial No 7105-97208
Actual ECC 121201
Authorized ECC 121201
ERN 30103
Holding Unit 0130
DA Unit 0130
Date Acquired 01-Jan-67
Cost 0
Alloc Code MD
Comm Suite
Current VMO DP357374 - 28-Oct-86
HN Date 10-Feb-88
Pending? No
Disposed? Yes
Disposal Date 11-Jan-88

This one spent its entire career with the Royal Canadian Hussars out of Montreal.
I might have ridden around the back roads of Valcartier or on course out of Farnham in this one. In the summers the drill was to pool the Reserve vehicles for common courses for the four Quebec armoured recce units.

Originally Posted by Scott Bentley View Post

CFR Information
CFR No 87017
CFR Year 1985
Serial No BI01-04-85-87017
Actual ECC 121501
Authorized ECC 121501
NSN 2320-21-895-3768
ERN 30111
Holding Unit 1941
DA Unit 1941
Date Acquired 23-Jul-85
Cost 26363
Alloc Code MB
Comm Suite
Current VMO DLE22449 - 19-Sep-05
HN Date 08-Mar-06
Pending? No
Disposed? Yes
Disposal Date 21-Sep-05

Another reason why I dispise the Iltis...... Alot of data to pull here

VMO History for CFR Number : 87017
VMO Type Pending To ECC To AC To HUIC To DA UIC
DLE22449 - 19-Sep-05 REGULAR No 121501 MB 1941 1941 25 Canadian Forces Supply Depot
DLE26507 - 04-Jun-04 REGULAR No 121501 MD 1941 1941 25 Canadian Forces Supply Depot
DLE25103 - 01-Mar-04 REGULAR No 121501 EV 1941 1941 25 Canadian Forces Supply Depot
DLE24527 - 12-Jan-04 REGULAR No 121501 ET 3153 3153 ATCO Frontec
DLE25283 - 15-Feb-02 REGULAR No 121501 EX 3648 3648 Task Force Bosnia Herzogovina Infantry Battle Group

DLE23581 - 18-Oct-01 REGULAR No 121501 EW 1852 1852 2nd Battalion, Royal 22e Regiment
DLE23032 - 26-Aug-01 REGULAR No 121501 WX 1941 1941 25 Canadian Forces Supply Depot
DLE22355 - 11-Jun-01 REGULAR No 121501 NX 0106 0106 Canadian Forces Base/Area Support Unit Valcartier
DLE24322 - 16-Sep-99 REGUL No 121501 WX 1941 1941 25 Canadian Forces Supply Depot
DLE23533 - 10-Jun-99 REGUL No 121501 AS 0130 0130 Canadian Forces Base/Area Support Unit Montreal
DLE20446 - 23-Jun-98 REGUL No 121501 AX 0107 0107 Canadian Forces Base/Area Support Unit Petawawa
DLE27672 - 20-Aug-97 REGUL No 121501 AS 1847 1847 1st Battalion, The Royal Canadian Regiment
DP350175 - 16-May-95 REGUL No 121501 AX 0107 0107 Canadian Forces Base/Area Support Unit Petawawa
DP353841 - 19-Apr-94 REGUL No 121501 AS 0107 0107 Canadian Forces Base/Area Support Unit Petawawa
DP353812 - 18-Apr-94 UPDAT No 121501 AS 0107 0107 Canadian Forces Base/Area Support Unit Petawawa
DP351809 - 31-Oct-93 REGUL No 121501 AX 1941 1941 25 Canadian Forces Supply Depot
DP359834 - 25-May-93 REGUL No 121501 AS 0107 0107 Canadian Forces Base/Area Support Unit Petawawa
DP353768 - 18-Mar-92 REGUL No 121501 AX 1941 1941 25 Canadian Forces Supply Depot
L90-241 - 22-Oct-90 COMDV No 121501 AX 1571 1571 CANADIAN FORCES EUROPE HEADQUARTERS
L89-240 - 24-Sep-89 UPDAT No 121501 AX 1571 1571 CANADIAN FORCES EUROPE HEADQUARTERS
L89-194 - 28-Jul-89 COMDV No 121501 AS 1851 1851 1ER BON ROYAL 22E REGT ARRIERE
L87-287 - 23-Oct-87 UPDAT No 121501 AX 1571 1571 CANADIAN FORCES EUROPE HEADQUARTERS
L87-263 - 23-Sep-87 UPDAT No 121501 AS 1756 1756 8TH CDN HUSSARS (PRINCESS LOUISE'S
L86-447 - 21-Nov-86 UPDAT No 121501 AX 1571 1571 CANADIAN FORCES EUROPE HEADQUARTERS
L86-196 - 01-May-86 UPDAT No 121501 AX 0145 0145 CFB LAHR

CFR Information
CFR No 88152
CFR Year 1986
Serial No BI02-03-86-88152
Actual ECC 121519
Authorized ECC 121519
NSN 2320-21-899-5702
ERN 30111
Holding Unit 1941
DA Unit 1941
Date Acquired 13-Nov-86
Cost 26363
Alloc Code MB
Comm Suite
Current VMO DLE22449 - 19-Sep-05
HN Date 07-Mar-06
Pending? No
Disposed? Yes
Disposal Date 21-Sep-05

VMO History for CFR Number : 88152
VMO Type Pending To ECC To AC To HUIC To DA UIC
DLE22449 - 19-Sep-05 REGULAR No 121519 MB 1941 1941 25 Canadian Forces Supply Depot
DLE26610 - 14-Jun-04 REGULAR No 121519 MD 1941 1941 25 Canadian Forces Supply Depot
DLE25103 - 01-Mar-04 REGULAR No 121519 EV 1941 1941 25 Canadian Forces Supply Depot
DLE25030 - 19-Feb-04 REGULAR No 121519 ET 3153 3153 ATCO Frontec
DLE27867 - 09-Aug-02 REGULAR No 121519 EX 3153 3153 ATCO Frontec
DLE26255 - 17-Mar-97 N1368 No 121519 EX 3649 3649 Task Force Bosnia Herzogovina National Support Element
DLE25484 - 17-Jan-97 N1368 No 121519 EX 3648 3648 Task Force Bosnia Herzogovina Infantry Battle Group
DLE22304 - 12-Apr-96 REGUL No 121519 EX 3560 3560 CCIFOR HQ AND SIGS SQN

DP357214 - 02-Dec-94 REGUL No 121519 EX 3128 3128 CANADIAN LOGISTIC BATTALION
DP356458 - 19-Oct-94 REGUL No 121519 NX 3162 3162 3 Canadian Support Unit
DP356092 - 20-Sep-92 REGUL No 121519 AX 2477 2477 1 CANADIAN FORCES SUPPLY DEPOT
DP354439 - 29-Apr-92 REGUL No 121519 AS 0113 0113 Canadian Forces Base Borden
DP359929 - 22-Apr-87 REGUL No 121519 AX 1941 1941 25 Canadian Forces Supply Depot
DP356636 - 12-Sep-86 INITI No 121519 JX 0130 0130 Canadian Forces Base/Area Support Unit Montreal

The two Bosnia references are interesting. At end of those timelines, the Canadians were concentrated in Zgon, Drvar, Bihac and Velika Kladusa. My tour was winter 02/03 in Zgon. We had a half dozen Ilti' for getting around, and the majority were in Bihac with a composite Western Canada reserve infantry company. They had the whole top corner of the AOR, while the 1PPCLI mechanized company in Drvar had a slightly more 'rambunctious' sector. Drvar had had raging street riots between returnees and townspeople only a few years earlier.

The reference of transfer to ATCO Frontec makes sense too. They had the contract for a lot of the second and third line support for the contingent. Everything from contracting the laundry ladies to the fire department. In a coincidence only the Canadian army would produce, I served in the Gulf with one Smokie. He was fire chief in our camp in Zgon. We crossed paths in KAF a few years later.
Terry Warner

- 74-????? M151A2
- 70-08876 M38A1
- 53-71233 M100CDN trailer

Beware! The Green Disease walks among us!
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