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Old 16-05-14, 07:49
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Tony Baker
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Wide Bay, QLD, Australia.
Posts: 1,819
Default Very sceptical about the stories of buried stuff.........and then....

Some months ago, I had a conversation with a gentleman who had been talking about an underground storage bunker that he had searched for (and found) in a northern Australia location. Please pardon me for not disclosing the exact site.

These stories pop up every now and then, and I have certainly heard my share of the proverbial 'buried WWII treasure'. Heard so many stories that I have become extremely doubtful, because they are often related by someone who knew someone who knew someone else who was 'there'. These myths promise vast supplies of goodies we would sell a grandparent to obtain, but there NEVER seems to be any hard proof to back up the attestations! So when the fellow I spoke of was telling the details of the find, well....I started to turn off & the words almost deteriorated to the sound of Charlie Brown's teacher, womp, womp, womp! The teller stated he had taken photos of the bunker entrance with a number of wooden boxes visible in the photo. Those boxes being part of the materials discovered. He said he didn't have the photos within reach right now, but he would look for them, and show me when I saw him next. No doubt those photos would never be found, and their absence would be put down to inadvertant disposal or some other cause which meant the 'proof' never appeared..................except that WASN'T THE CASE AT ALL.

I feel a little guilty for saying I never expected to see the photos, but the next time I saw the fellow, he produced several photographs proving his claims beyond doubt. The bunker entrance was obvious, there were a full half dozen wooden ammunition boxes visible, some with the lids off to show their cargo was still inside! I could not believe what I was seeing, but the proof was right there in front of me. I don't expect anyone to believe what I am about to say next, but I will swear on all that's sacred, I do not mislead you in any way. Clearly visible in two of the photographs, were a pair of large calibre machine guns, intact, and looking VERY usable. They had only just been unwrapped from their protective material, prior to being photographed.

To everyone else, this story is one of the 'myths', because you have not seen any proof to suggest otherwise. To me, I know it to be true. I have not asked my fellow to allow the photos to be reproduced. There are two main reasons why that is the case. First, I believe there could be serious consequences to the discoverers, and I don't want to be the cause of that.
Secondly, and quite frankly, I have a vested interest in keeping the location private. With provided instruction & GPS data, I hope to visit the site for myself.
Ford CMP, 115" WB,1942 (Under Restoration...still)
Medium sized, half fake, artillery piece project. (The 1/4 Pounder)
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