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Old 05-04-03, 19:25
Alexander Borgia
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Wrong!

And for the last year and a half I've been told that Osama Bin Laden is living beneath my bed.

He's actually under my bed, plotting against me with the dust bunnies.

-News without context is not news at all, it is rumour.

A proof is a proof, and, when you have a good proof, it’s proven.

------So, show me the proof.

-Some talking head pointing at a map is not proof.

Nor is someone mouthing off in a forum proof that it's not news.

-------no, you are absolutely right, but in pursuant to Canada's Constitution, and most other modern democracies (save the US under the Patriot Act) the onus is always on the accuser to provide the proof. But how did you, Dana, mix up proof and news? Your comments were illogical in their presentation.
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