Thread: Movie Quotes
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Old 03-10-04, 07:18
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Jon Skagfeld Jon Skagfeld is offline
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Originally posted by Geoff Winnington-Ball
Since you've chickened out, Jon... ( ) here's one for anybody... how about my tagline?
Not chickened out Old Boy, merely thinking of "bon riposte"...

How's this grab ya...?

1. "What manner of dress is this, son?"

"Harith, Father."

First hint..."He likes your lemonade"
Second hint..."There is no gold in Aqaba"

What a giveaway!

2. "Pot that fellow, there's a good man"

Hint: "Hookie, that's a flogging offense".

3. A bit convoluted but that goes with the literary territory:

"From now on, I don't want anyone to come in to see me while I'm here. Is that clear?"
"Will that be all?".
"What shall I say to the people who do come to see you while you're here?"
"Tell them I'm in and ask them to wait".
"Yes, sir. For how long?"
"Until I've left."
"And then what shall I do with them?"
"I don't care".
"May I send them in to see you after you've left?"
"But you won't be here then, will you?"
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